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Seven trainees join, six trainees move up and six trainees qualify
Devonshires have seen another successful year for its trainee solicitor programme - offering newly qualified roles to 100% of our 2017 trainee intake and welcoming seven new trainees!
Devonshires Celebrates: 100 Years of Women in Law with the First 100 Years Project
Donna McCarthy, Partner, discusses our recent 100 Years of Women in Law event with the First 100 Years Project.
How well do your Boards understand their investments?
The Regulator’s most recent Quarterly Survey reveals the increased scale of investment activity by RPs, whether via wholly owned subsidiaries or through joint ventures.
Devonshires advises on £21.3 million acquisition of local authority housing
Devonshires advises on £21.3 million acquisition of local authority housing
Managing Risk: Expert guidance and solutions for registered providers
On the 17th May we held our first ever Devonshires Conference which focused on the biggest challenges affecting the UK’s social housing sector.
Devonshires helps Karin move into home ownership
Devonshires advised Karin Housing Association on the purchase of its first properties, enabling the organisation to expand into home ownership.
The Autumn Budget – What you need to know
Following our initial observations on the Autumn Budget, we’ve put together this briefing which delves into the detail to bring you further insights into what it means for those operating in the housing industry.
Your 12 point guide to achieving compliance with the GDPR
Download a copy of our 12 point guide to help you build a coherent approach to achieving early compliance in your own organisation.
Local Authority Influence Regulations brought into force today (16 November)
With a remarkable sprint to the finishing line, the last piece in the deregulatory measures tapestry, the local authority influence regulations, came in to force today.
Experienced in judicial review work
At Devonshires, our experienced Litigation Department is extremely well equipped to represent our clients in a judicial review situation and this is an area we are continually developing.
Devonshires second year trainees qualify
We are pleased to announce that following a 2 year training contract we see the following Trainees qualify.
Devonshires welcomes 8 new trainees
We are pleased to announce the arrival of 8 new trainees to our team at Devonshires.