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D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Dismissals without prior meetings
In Charalambous v National Bank of Greece, the EAT has decided that in some circumstances, a dismissal can be fair even where the dismissing manager did not meet with the employee directly to discuss the case before deciding to dismiss.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Importance of identifying decision maker in a discrimination claim
In Alcedo Orange Ltd v Mrs G Ferridge-Gunn, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) upheld an appeal because the Tribunal had not considered who the decision maker was in a case of pregnancy and maternity discrimination.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: LGBTQ+ Inclusion
The Trade Union Congress (TUC) recently conducted research to investigate the extent of progress in recent decades in embedding formal legal protections for LGBT+ workers and how this has translated into positive and inclusive experiences in the workplace.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Code of Practice
The British Standards Institution (BSI) have published a new code of practice to help organisations create an increasingly diverse and inclusive workplace culture.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Competing Protected Characteristics
A long awaited EAT Judgment in Higgs V Farmor’s School has failed to offer guidance to employers in competing protected beliefs cases.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: ICO Guidance on employee subject access requests
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has published new guidance for businesses and employers on responding to subject access requests (SARs), helping them to comply with a SAR and to answer commonly asked questions by employers.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Three new family friendly Acts
Three new family friendly Acts received Royal Assent in May, giving further employment rights to parents and carers.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Health and Safety Dismissals
In Miles v Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency the EAT held that the Claimant was not subjected to a detriment or a dismissal for health and safety reasons when he refused to go back to work as a driving examiner during the Coronavirus pandemic.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Long-term Sickness
For every 13 people currently working, one person is long-term sick. It is reported that this increase is being driven by Mental ill health, musculoskeletal injuries (MSK) (possibly as a result of home working environment) and long Covid.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Positive action
The Government have recently published guidance on how employers who choose to use positive action can help people who share a particular protected characteristic to overcome certain barriers under the measures.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Restrictive Covenants: Enforceability and intended limitations
We discuss the recent case of Boydell v NZP Ltd, in which the Court of Appeal upheld a High Court decision to apply the ‘blue-pencil’ principle and delete wording from a non-compete clause in order to make it enforceable.
D-BRIEF – Employment & Pensions Blog: Considering LGPS strain costs when making redundancies
In Cook v Gentoo the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) found that an Employment Tribunal should not have dismissed a direct age discrimination claim resulting from a decision to hurry through the redundancy process for an employee, in order to avoid making an enhanced pension payment.