Governance and Regulation – Quarterly D-Brief: Issue 1

Welcome to the first edition of our new quarterly D-Brief, focussing on governance and regulatory issues pertinent to registered providers of social housing (RPs)!

Click here to read the full brief.

Featured articles are listed below:

Social Housing (Regulation) Bill

Sample draft clauses and explanatory notes of the long-awaited Social Housing (Regulation) Bill were published at the end of March. Whilst the draft legislation is not the full Social Housing (Regulation) Bill, its publication provides the sector with an insight into the legislative changes proposed.

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National Social Housing Quality Resident Panel

As part of a number of measures published at the end of March to improve the regulation of social housing, the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has confirmed plans to establish a new resident panel titled the “Social Housing Quality Resident Panel” as a means of enhancing tenant engagement.

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Changes to the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code

It’s been a busy few months for the Housing Ombudsman, with several new publications and reports following on from the introduction of the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code (the Code) in July 2020.

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Exempt Accommodation – in the spotlight, again

In March, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Housing and Rough Sleeping, Eddie Hughes, launched a new package of measures aimed at strengthening the regulation of exempt accommodation providers.

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Code of Conduct 2022

We are pleased to have supported the National Housing Federation (NHF) and Campbell Tickell in preparing the new Code of Conduct, which was issued in May 2022.

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Charities: Updates to look out for this year

A round-up of the upcoming developments for charities.

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Constitutional Health Checks

We have been working with a number of our RP clients to ensure their constitutions remain fit for purpose.

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