Social Media & Reputation Management
Tuesday 05th, June 2018
14:30 - 17:30
Devonshires Solicitors LLP, 30 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 7DT

Social Media & Reputation Management

Social Media & Reputation Management

This seminar focuses on how you can manage social media & quickly remove defamatory, harassment & threatening content. We provide an online legal armoury to protect your business and staff from online bullies, untrue or abusive posts.

Topics Covered

This seminar will cover the following topics and provide you
with a strategy to deal with online attacks targeting your business and reputation:

  • Overview of the law on defamation, harassment and threatening online content, from both a criminal and civil law perspective.
  • How to engage with third parties, such as social media platforms, to quickly get content and websites taken down.
  • Available remedies, from damages to published apologies.
  • Reputational management in the social media age – including how to decide whether to engage or not.


Philip Barden – Partner, Devonshires
Nikki Bowker – Solicitor, Devonshires
John Quinton Barber – Group Managing Director,
Social Communications

How to Book your place

Click here to complete the online registration form or email your name and full contact details to:


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