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Holiday Dates for 2018/2019
The way bank holidays fall in 2018 means those employers with a holiday year running from 1st April to 31st March may need to give their employees an additional day of annual leave.
Gender Pay Gap Reporting – The Results
As the midnight deadline for gender pay gap reporting approached on 4 April, thousands of employers rushed to publish their data in time.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
With the ‘Beast from the East’ causing unprecedented snowfall and widespread disruption across the country, many employers may be wondering how to deal with those employees unable to make it into work.
King v The Sash Window Workshop: Holiday Pay
Following a referral by the Court of Appeal, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) has ruled that a worker who was miscategorised as self-employed is entitled to accumulate rights to paid annual leave where his employer had denied him the opportunity to exercise that right.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
In recent weeks, few areas of public life have been untouched by the vast number of complaints about inappropriate sexual behaviour by public figures.
Royal Mail v Jhuti – Whistleblowing
The Court of Appeal has overturned a decision of the EAT and confirmed only the mindset of the decision maker is relevant when determining if a decision to dismiss is automatically unfair.
Social Care Compliance Scheme
On 2 November 2017 the government launched the Social Care Compliance Scheme (SCCS).
Employees sue Morrisons for Data Breach
In July 2015, former Morrisons’ employee Andrew Skelton was jailed for fraud after leaking the payroll information of nearly 100,000 employees of the supermarket to local newspapers and data sharing websites.
What next for zero hour contracts?
The BBC has reported that the Matthew Taylor inquiry into controversial working practices is set to call for employees on zero-hours contracts to be given the right to request a move onto fixed hours.
Extending Shared Parental Leave to Grandparents
They say it takes a village to raise a child. George Osborne appears to agree with this proverb in some respects with a proposed extension of Shared Parental Leave to grandparents.
Court of Appeal restricts pension benefits for surviving spouses in same sex partnerships
The Court of Appeal has dismissed Walker v Innospec, an appeal concerning equality of pension entitlements for same sex couples.
The Role of Human Resources in Disciplinary Proceedings – The risks of crossing the line
A recent Employment Appeal Tribunal decision has provided a reminder of the role of Human Resources in disciplinary proceedings.