
Welcome to our news page. Here you will find out what we’re up to and what we think about recent events and future possibilities.

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IT’S THE LAW: Infill sites – Mind the gap
As Registered Providers and other landowners continue to reassess their existing portfolios to help overcome the UK’s housing shortage, infill development is on the rise.
IT’S THE LAW: D Day – the abolition of the s172 Consent Regime
As the sun rises on 6th April 2017, the s172 land disposal Consent Regime will be a thing of history.
IT’S THE LAW: Restrictive Covenants
Restrictive Covenants: A what, when, where, why and how guide to restrictive covenants. A restrictive covenant is an obligation on one landowner to refrain from doing something on their land (the Burdened Land, also sometimes referred to as the Servient Land) for the benefit of someone else’s land (the Benefited Land, also sometimes referred to