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Mandatory vaccinations for frontline health and care staff
On 9th September 2021 the Department for Health and Social Care launched a consultation, the results of which were published on 9th November 2021. The Government has decided that they will be introducing regulations to only allow providers of CQC-regulated activities to deploy individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 to roles where they interact with patients and service users, unless exempt.
Government Consultation: Should it be mandatory for care home staff with older residents to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
On 14 April 2021 the Department for Health and Social Care launched a consultation, ending on Friday 21 May 2021, on whether or not the Government should make it mandatory for staff in care homes caring for older adults to have received their COVID-19 vaccination.
AGM Deadline Extension
Regulations come into force on 29 September 2020, extending the temporary arrangements for AGMs of companies and CBSs.
High Court judgment on Business Interruption Insurance
The High Court issued a major judgment on 15 September, the effect of which is to provide a direction to insurers to consider claims payments to businesses who held business interruption insurance and were forced to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Government announces plans to extend planning permissions
The Government have announced plans to allow planning permissions that would have been lost during lock down to be automatically extended. 
Government plans to relieve the restrictions on moving home
The Government has announced plans to relieve the restrictions on moving home which were imposed as part of their response to the Coronavirus outbreak.
International Corporate Governance Network response to COVID-19
The ICGN has published an open letter setting out its take on governance priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 update: Guidance for social landlords on essential moves published
The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government and Public Health England have jointly published guidance in respect of allocations and transfers during the COVID-19 lockdown period.
COVID-19: An Update on Possession Claims
The Courts may be limited in their ability to progress possession claims following the general stay introduced by Practice Direction 51Z which took effect on 27 March 2020.
Right to Rent survives the Court of Appeal
The Right to Rent Scheme requires landlords (including registered providers of social housing) to check the immigration status of tenants and potential tenants (and licensees).
New Emergency Permitted Development Rights to deal with Coronavirus
Order comes into effect to amend Permitted Development rights to allow local authorities and certain health service bodies to carry out development for dealing with emergencies.
Devonshires’ Debt Management – Advice for Businesses
Cash is King and every business needs a detailed monthly cash flow. To assist businesses the Government have initiated the following schemes.