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Act Now: Registration of Higher Risk Buildings and “Key Building Information”
Building owners and dutyholders will understandably be grappling with the multitude of regulations brought into force over the last year relating to building safety.
Another contractor enters insolvency – Administration in construction contracts
With an increasing number of contractors and other industry participants entering various formal insolvency processes at the moment, we briefly consider what administration is and the issues that arise for an Employer under a construction contract.
‘Higher-risk buildings’ – New duties concerning ‘Key Building Information’
The Higher-Risk Buildings (Key Building Information etc.) (England) Regulations 2023 came into force last month: what duties do they create and who is responsible?
Government publishes draft Responsible Actors Scheme Regulations – we consider who, how and why
Draft Responsible Actors Scheme Regulations: Who are the Responsible Actors, how do they demonstrate responsibility, and why should they?
All in a day’s work – The TCC considers the meaning of a “day”
A recent decision on the meaning of a word in a JCT contract serves as a reminder to parties to construction contracts to ensure that they understand the mechanics of the agreements they enter into.
The Building Safety Act’s new framework for higher-risk buildings begins to take shape
Ten months have passed since the Building Safety Act received Royal Assent. Attention now turns to the wave of new regulations to be passed to implement the new framework for higher-risk buildings.
First Remediation Contribution Order pursuant to the Building Safety Act 2022 made by the First Tier Tribunal
The First Tier Tribunal has made its first Remediation Contribution Order (‘RCO’)’ pursuant to the Building Safety Act 2022 (‘BSA’).
LDC v George Downing
The English High Court hands down its second reported judgment following the full trial of a building safety claim after the Grenfell Tower fire heightened concerns regarding high-rise properties in the UK.
Government launches new pilot ‘Medium Rise Scheme’
Within the built environment, 2022 will be looked back upon as the year when building safety truly came to the fore: five years after London’s Grenfell tragedy, the Government ushered in its landmark Building Safety Act 2022 and new fire safety regulations come into force next month.
Is the end nigh for Waking Watch?
In this article, we consider the current position regarding the recoverability of waking watch costs following the decision in Martlet Homes Limited -v- Mulalley and Co Limited, and how it may be affected in light of the updated SEG.
Directors’ Liability under the Building Safety Act 2022
The Building Safety Act 2022 (“BSA”) introduces a raft of new responsibilities for building owners.
Building Safety Act and the extension to limitation periods
The Government’s response to the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy and the recommendations of the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety conducted by Dame Hackitt has led to myriad changes in legislation affecting the construction industry.