
Welcome to our news page. Here you will find out what we’re up to and what we think about recent events and future possibilities.

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RTB extension pilot: how to prepare for the hurdles
The Right to Buy extension will create two major challenges. Alasdair Muir explains the impact on housing associations involved in the pilot and how they can prepare.
Stock Rationalisation: strategies and pitfalls
The last 12 months have seen registered providers (RPs) transfer record numbers of stock. Aruna Sarwar, Solicitor in our Real Estate & Projects team explains the strategies being deployed and the potential pitfalls.
Modern Methods of Construction: BOPAS and Build Warranties
Interest in custom build and modular housing is growing rapidly, but housing associations and developers considering this way of building must not overlook accreditations and warranties – specifically the Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme (BOPAS).
Immediate stop to NHS mesh operations
NHS England has announced an immediate curb on mesh operations following safety concerns.
ACM Cladding Remediation Fund
The Government has published guidance on how local authorities and housing associations can apply for funding for the removal and replacement of unsafe ACM cladding on buildings 18m or over.
Spotlight on Shared Ownership
Almost every planning agreement has an affordable housing provision. If developers don’t comply and provide affordable housing on one site, they will have to provide the equivalent elsewhere within the borough on another scheme they’re working on.
Cost Free Recovery of Leaseholder Arrears
Devonshires are acutely aware of how important it is for our clients to maximise the recovery of service charges as this allows our clients to provide the high level of service that they strive for.
IT’S THE LAW: A Hot Topic The Heat Network Regulations
Popular in the 1960s and 70s (less so in the 80s, 90s and noughties) communal heating systems are back!
New technology holds the key to tackling housing fraud
Housing associations continue to be susceptible to corporate fraud at every level from the post room to the board room.
Dangers of buying ‘off plan’ (Insolvency)
In the recent case of Williams and another v Broadoak Private Finance Limited and others [2018] it was held by the High Court that a partly developed freehold property could be sold free from the buyers’ secured interests.
It’s not too late to start your GDPR compliance journey
GDPR and the DPA 2018 are already in force. D-Day may have passed but not all organisations are ready and those that are need to demonstrate continuing compliance.
Employment Status – Pimlico Plumbers in the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court has finally delivered its decision in the important Pimlico Plumber’s case in a ruling which has far reaching consequences for workers considered to be self-employed in the so called “gig economy”.